This week we came across an interesting article about the use of bleach, swimming pools & cleaning products.

Sodium Hypochlorite, commonly known as bleach is a chemical which can be found in many of our day to day cleaning products, which additionally is one of the primary compounds used to chlorinate water in swimming pools.

When dissolved in water, this chemical produces a strong alkaline pH which potentially irritates the skin.  We all know that concentrated bleach can cause burns to the skin, so what place does this have being used in swimming pools?

Now days Sodium Hypochlorite (or calcium hypochlorite) is commonly used as an alternative to chlorine due to chlorine’s practical handling issues, however its presence also has some interesting chemical consequences when swimmers relieve themselves in the pool.

“As it turns out, the uric acid in human urea can react with chlorinated water, and via a series of reactions can produce cyanogen chloride (CNCl) and trichloroamine (NCl3). Both of these chemicals, particularly cyanogen chloride, are pretty toxic, with effects of exposure including coughing, convulsions, and vomiting. However, before you vow never to set foot in a public swimming pool again, it’s worth examining the production and concentration of these chemicals in a little more detail.”

Now that we know of the potential problems and by-products with regards to the use of bleach in swimming pools, would you really want your family exposed this toxicity?

We would love to hear your view of the use of Sodium Hypochlorite (Bleach) and what side effect it might have caused your loved ones.

Source Attribution – Andy Brunning & Compound Interest