We’ve been getting a lot of calls from pool owners who have been told that there is no effective and eco-friendly alternative to chemicals for pool sanitation. Here’s the typical mindset that we are up against, as described by one of our customers:
“Everything you told us is true. Enviroswim is very easy to use (set & forget), extremely low maintenance & best of all the water is pristine and clear each and every day without one drop of any chemical oxidiser. I do find it amusing though when I visit a pool shop for the occasional pool water test that they try to persuade me into pumping a heap of chlorine into the pool as they claim that there is no such thing as a chlorine free pool. I have given up trying to explain your system to them as they just do not understand or perhaps they are unwilling to! It’s actually frightening that they call themselves pool “experts” when really they are quite narrow minded when it comes to chlorine-free alternatives.”
Yes it is frightening – also frustrating. Especially when you consider that our environmentally sound, eco-friendly swimming pool water purification system has more independent accreditation than any other sanitation product in Australia.
Enviroswim was tested for 12 months by NSF, the world-renowned independent testing facility for new water treatment systems. This is a rigorous series of tests that challenge every aspect of water purification and its effects on the environment. We are the only company in Australia to have passed these tests.
Now, Australia is a world leader in swimming pool technology. Enviroswim was devised and patented here. The development of the system was approved and granted funding by the Australian Government. When we first launched Enviroswim, we had tests run at the Tweed Laboratory in New South Wales. Not only did the system pass the tests easily, it out-performed chlorine in efficacy by a wide margin.
It’s not just cleaner and greener than chlorine, it’s more eco-friendly and effective in eliminating bacteria and pathogens. If you have any more questions, please get in touch.